Environmental Injustice Art Exhibition in Flushing, Queens, New York

Rosalind Panda’s Art Exhibition about Environmental Injustice in Flushing, queens, New york

Rosalind Panda's Art Exhibition at LIKHA Gallery Grand Opening

Rosalind Panda’s Art Exhibition and book launch Whisper’s of the Soul” were celebrated at LIKHA Gallery grand opening. 

United Nation's Rosalind's Book Launch and Art Exhibition

Rosalind Panda’s Art Exhibition and book launch Whisper’s of the Soul” were celebrated at United Nation’s Newyork. 

Art Exhibit for Social Cause in Bronx, New York, 2024

Rosalind Panda’s art works were exhibited in Bronx, New York on 28th January 2024 for the social cause  to educate, equip, engage, and empower each other and make our world a safer place organized by https://nomw1.org/ 

Art Works Exhibiting at Red Dot Miami 2022

Rosalind Panda's Paintings in Red Dot Miami
Rosalind Panda's Paintings in Red Dot Miami 2
Rosalind Panda's Paintings in Red Dot Miami 1

Rosalind Panda is exhibiting her recent artworks at Red Dot Miami, a well known to people of USA. Also, her Artworks are going to be exhibited in their Art Expo is about to happen from NOVEMBER 29 to DECEMBER 04 2022.

Art works Exhibited at New York Art Expo March 2023

Rosalind Panda’s Art works Exhibited at New York Art Expo March 2023

Art works Exhibited at New York Art Expo 2023 by Redwood Art Group

Rosalind Panda is exhibited her artworks at the best art exhibition New York Art Expo 2023 by RedWood Art Group, in New York, USA. Also, her Artworks are exhibited on their Official website https://redwoodartgroup.com/rave/rosalind-arts-booth-s516/

and from 29th  MARCH 2023 to 1st APRIL 2023.

Art works Exhibited at Agora Gallery Chelsea, New York, May 2022

Rosalind Panda’s Art works Exhibited at Agora Gallery Chelsea, New York, May 2022